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Recruitment Status: OPEN Requirements: Level 125 / 30,000 AA
Recruitment is currently OPEN for classes except tanks.
* MEDIUM / LOW Need Classes * HIGH Need Classes * CLOSED Classes
Original Gangster Club Recruitment Officers: RoseFroogleTajinSumasiAchievementsCensura
Original Gangster Club Raid Schedule: We raid two days per week, three around expansion launches. Static Raid Days: Wednesday and Sunday beginning at 6:00 PM Central Time (GMT -05:00)
Original Gangster Club Raid Schedule:
We raid two days per week, three around expansion launches.
Static Raid Days: Wednesday and Sunday beginning at 6:00 PM Central Time (GMT -05:00)
40% 30-day RA is required to bid DKP as a full member.
*please inquire about our friends and family program for raiders under 40%
Raid days and times are increased for major expansion launches.
Feel free to join us in Didscord and get to know OGC members! Discord:
Feel free to join us in Didscord and get to know OGC members!
We're live now!
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