Oct 192018

Here at the OGC we pride ourselves on our dedication and stamina. With well laid plans and flawless execut…. You know what, fuck it!


With a massive effort from Microsoft Paint, energy drinks, sleeping pills, and some Narcotics I’m sure…. Our member base, and officers a like pulled out all the stops. We lead off Secrets of Faydwer with a bang. Performing a mind numbing 4 split of tier 1 and tier 2 the second night.

With the majority*of us flagged, exhausted, and ready for tier 3. It was time to mass key the guild For MMM and kill us some Robots. As expected our planning and execution was flawless. All the way to the top.

One night of rest and it was time to kill Meldrath. With a total of 33 players in each raid we dominated the scene with a 2 Split in Meldrath Mansion. Meldrath can be a real bitch sometimes, but not a single cog in the raid was out of place.

[Wed Oct 17 17:46:49 2018] Gatorsteve ducks behind Breakneck the Broken.

[Wed Oct 17 17:46:04 2018] Gatorsteve has fallen to the ground.

[Wed Oct 17 17:47:26 2018] Gatorsteve ducks behind Breakneck the Broken.

[Wed Oct 17 17:47:36 2018] Gatorsteve has fallen to the ground.

[Wed Oct 17 17:48:03 2018] Gatorsteve ducks behind Autonomic Special Steam Support Unit.

[Wed Oct 17 17:48:013 2018] Gatorsteve has fallen to the ground.

[Wed Oct 17 17:50:06 2018] Gatorsteve ducks behind Meldrath the Malignant.

[Wed Oct 17 17:50:16 2018] Gatorsteve has fallen to the ground.



↑ Shit head in Question

↓ Shit head killed (Nothing Exciting here)

After 6 Big Bynn’s, 6 Spindlercranks, 4 Meldraths, a long winded suicide letter, and group flagging missions. It was time to head to Crystallos. Where we only Had 26 players. Pushing ourselves to the limit of what we thought possible, we somehow managed to down everything but Kerafyrm Himself, with only 22 flagged players…. what the hell were we thinking!

The final night was upon us and it was time to put the sleeper back to rest.

Scale shouts, ‘KERAFYRM DIES!’

Wrexyou shouts, ‘kerafyrm dies!

Kamahl shouts, ‘Kerafyrm dies!

Thedewd shouts, ‘kerafyrm dies!

Worgaan shouts, ‘Kerafrym DDIIIIIESSSS!

Rencor shouts, ‘Kerafyrm dies!

Vexation shouts, ‘Kerafyrm dies!

Girldailor shouts, ‘KERAFYRM DIES!

Forever shouts, ‘Kerafyrm Dies!

Gratefull shouts, ‘Kerafyrm Dies!

Gatorsteve shouts, ‘kerafyrm dies!

You tell general:1, ‘Kerafyrm Dies!

Great work OGC on the record breaking Secrets of Faydwer Expansion Clear!










 Posted by at 01:59

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