May 082021

We have updated our Guild Policy for Torment of Velious.

Many thanks to Satoshi for getting out there and working them streets! For the first time in many expansions we got to see him leave the Guild Lobby. He even got himself a new title. Very Fitting if you ask me.

Torment of Velious was more or less a reprieve from the difficulty of previous expansions, easier content, double the loot! Hooray! However, It was not without its challenges… but something tells me most of the challenges were self inflicted though….

Notably though we did get to see the return of a much grumpier Avatar of War, which was a nice throwback to Velious!

Tier 1 & Tier 3 went down with relative ease, and not having progression meant we could bounce around how we wanted! But at some point we had to jump into Tier 2: Tower of Frozen Shadow.

Last up was our very own EQ Vtuber, and Remmen’s Waifu, Tserrina.

With Tserinna defeated we succesfully completed our last TLP Expansion and cemented OGC as the first and only TLP Guild to clear all content in era and make it to Live. I hope you are all very proud!

We hit Live: CoV May 19th!


 Posted by at 17:08
Feb 242021

A more holistic definition of a legacy is when you are genuinely grounded in offering yourself to making a meaningful, lasting and energizing contribution to humanity by serving a cause greater than your own. The requirements of a legacy are that you embrace your uniqueness, passionately immersing your whole self into life so that your gift will be to all and that you take responsibility to ensure that it will have a life beyond that of you, its creator, outliving and outlasting your time on earth.

Mearatas has been defeated!

It is truly humbling, and goes without saying that we have stamped our legacy into the over a decade of TLP’s in Everquest, and TBL was no different. It was grueling, challenging, and at times unpleasant… but I do not wish to make this a long winded update, or boast about our achievements of past and present.

I simply want to acknowledge the fact that every single one of you that has been a part of OGC in the past, as well as our current member base have contributed to the success of this guild and it’s legacy. A heartfelt thank you as well to those that supported us in this accomplishment. We will not forget it. I cannot wait to see what the future holds, and with that, we press on! See you all in Torment of Velious!

Phinigel Mearatas Kill


 Posted by at 19:43
Nov 242020

Damn, 2020 has been a year… We have been welcoming back some past members, and bidding a farewell to some old. Hell, some of us were even in Fiji for launch! Despite everything, we pressed on here at the OGC, and cleared Ring of Scale in a matter of weeks.


With Skyfire out of the way, It was time to head into the heart of Howling Stones, and take on the Sathir’s Tomb.

Drusella’s Vault in Sathir’s Tomb gave us a bit of a challenge, and was alot of fun to learn, unless you were a tank… RIP Tanks…

Tank deaths aside, it was onward to Venril Sathir, but he did not last long either…

Drusella, Rile, and Venril Sathir certainly put up a good fight but we turned their bones to ash with ease. There was no time to waste though, it was late, and we had Dragons to kill!

First Up: Hoshkar!

It only took us 30 minutes to figure out how to beat the Hoshkar Event after killing the dragon in the first 5. Feelsgoodman. Silverwing & Xygoz were no pushovers either!

Three dragons down, all that stood in our way now was one super racist Dragon. It was time to slay Terrorem… I mean Talendor.

Unfortunately this fight was an absolute joke for a final event in the expansion, So with little to no effort… Ring of Scale was defeated! Good job Team!

The Burning Lands is right around the corner… So…


Happy Holidays, Sincerely. – Puma

 Posted by at 07:13